Adult Religious Education
As Universalist Unitarians, we believe that continuing to learn and maintain an open mind is vital. In that spirit, we regularly offer Adult Religious Education (RE) courses on a wide range of topics.
Examples of past topics:
- Developing a personal spirituality
- Widening the Circle of Concern
- UU Roots
- Radical Hospitality
Current and Upcoming Classes
Humanist Perspectives
First Sundays, 12-2 PMFacilitators: Harry ElgerLocation: Zoom Overview:Join the Humanist Weekly Discussion Group as we talk about video excerpts of current events, religion, and politics. We aspire to use empathy, humility, curiosity, critical thinking, and...

Classes vary in length of session and time of day to meet the needs of our many members and friends. Some courses are led by our Director of Lifespan Religious Education. Others are facilitated by members of our congregation who have a special interest in the subject. Sometimes we read short excerpts from books, or view and discuss video presentations. Whatever the format, thoughtful discussion is encouraged.
Child care can be offered if requested in advance. Contact Jesi Laughlin, DLRE at so we know how many children to plan for.
Our religious education courses are open to all – members, friends, and visitors. Bring an open mind, respect for different points of view, your own ideas, and a sense of humor. We hope to see you at one of our classes soon!