Summer Services

Summer Services Details

Sundays take on a slightly different, more informal, character during the summer months.

  • We meet at 10:30 each Sunday morning
  • Coffee Hour is observed in Fellowship Hall
  • A wide variety of topics are presented and services are lay-led by members and guest speakers.
  • You’ll find familiar elements such as a greeting, announcements, readings, sharing of joys and sorrows, and an offering.
  • Music varies throughout the summer. Our accompanist plays the piano and organ for most services. The choir is off for the summer.
  • Childcare is always provided in our nursery for those who wish to use it. Please sign in and introduce your child to the childcare attendant. 
  • Kids are encouraged to start worship with their families and will be sung out of the sanctuary after Joys and Concerns to participate in all-ages Summer Adventures!
    • Find out more on THIS PAGE about programs for children and youth.







6/18/2023 Kathy Carter History of UUCP Kathy will share stories and events from the UUPC history that have shaped us into who we are today.
6/25/2023 Judith Koren-Shanahan The Arts Today: Inspiring, Controversial, Objective
7/2/2023 Brad Keefauver Professional Wrestling and the Agreed-Upon Lie “Kayfabe” is an old wrestling term for the created reality that added storylines, characters, and gimmicks to what, on the surface, looked like a sporting event. But even though fans are wiser than ever about the mythology of sports entertainment, professional wrestling is still more popular than ever before. What can it tell us about belief, truth, and ourselves?
7/9/2023 Pat Harris My Father Was An Illegal Alien – From Scotland Pat Harris will share the immigration story of her father and the remarkable way in which it unfolded.
7/16/2023 Paul Resnick Naturalizing Your Yard Alternatives to the green grass lawn.
7/23/2023 Jeanette Gruber The Grieving Brain Explore love relationships (including the ones with your pets!) along with author Mary Frances O’Connor, PhD, whose work is our wellspring as she has laid it out in “The Grieving Brain”.
7/30/2023 Keepers of the Great Grove CUUPs Chapter Lammas/Lughnasadh A pagan sabbat to mark the halfway point between the summer solstice and autumn equinox. Join our new Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans Chapter in this participatory ritual.
8/6/2023 Joyce Harrant Edwards Coal Documentary The film educates members on the closure of the coal plant and the current issues. A discussion in the conference room to follow.
8/13/2023 BJ Lindsay Finding the Extraordinary in the Ordinary Challenges us to appreciate what we may be overlooking.
8/20/2023 Rev. Michael Brown Can the Religions of the World Save Us? (Or Maybe Just Lend a Hand?) Rev. Michael Brown will share reflections on the 2023 Parliament of the World’s Religions, which meets August 14-18 in Chicago.
8/27/2023 Rev. Jennifer Innis Blessing of the Animals Bring your fur babies, feathered friends, and other pets in person or in print for a UU-style blessing.
9/3/2023 Rev. Jennifer Innis The Question Box Bring your questions to the service and Rev. Jennifer will try to address them.

Summer Adventures can be completed on Sunday Morning at UUCP or from home while on your own adventures!



Pick up your booklet at the church or click the image below to download a printable PDF!