Sunday, July 31, 2022 @ 10:30 am

Speaker(s): Mary Warren Kuester

Growing up I never saw myself represented in the books I read or the other media I consumed, and if I did it was never in a positive light. It wasn’t until I happened upon a romance novel that changed my life. That’s right, I said a romance novel changed my life. This book was the first time I had ever felt truly seen and represented in a positive light. This book was so profoundly moving that I started a website that serves as a database for people to find books with positive representation. Reading that book and starting Fat Girls in Fiction set my life on a new trajectory. I am excited to share that journey with you, what I have learned about the body positivity movement, and the role representation can play in it.


Mary Warren Kuester (she/her) is the founder of Fat Girls in Fiction. She is an author and an activist doing work in body positivity and fat liberation. Her main focus is to find and create more positive representation of people living in larger bodies.

Coffee Hour Afterwards & Offering