UU Peoria Web Lending Library
Our updated catalog is now online here: https://www.librarycat.org/lib/UUpeoria.
We’ll be making improvements to this site and also adding a children’s library in the near future. Please contact the office at office@peoriauuchurch.org if you have any questions or if you would like to volunteer!
This is the Obsolete Searchable Database of the Books that the UU Library has to lend.
- Search for a book by Title, Author or Keyword
- When you find a Book, Email the Librarian to check if it’s available
- Arrange a Time with the Librarian to exchange the books
- Adult RE
- Art
- Astrology
- Atheism
- Bible
- Biographies
- Buddhism
- Celebrations & Holidays
- Christianity
- Course In Miracles
- Dreams
- Earth Based Spirituality
- Grief & Dying
- Hinduism
- History
- Humanist Bibliography
- Islam
- Judaism
- Leadership
- LGBTQ Bibliography
- Literature
- Meditation
- Men’s Studies
- Music
- Nature & Ecology
- Pagans & Myths & WCCA
- Parenting
- Peacemaking & Non-Violence
- Philosophy
- Poetry
- Reference
- Reincarnation & Past Lives
- Religion
- Science
- Self-Help
- Spirituality
- Taoism
- Universalist Unitarian
- UU Authors – Peoria Church
- Women’s Studies
- World Travels
- Addiction
- Racial Bibliography
- Sociology-Societal Issues