UU Peoria Web Lending Library

This is a Searchable Database of the Books that the UU Library has to lend.

  1. Search for a book by Title, Author or Keyword
  2. When you find a Book, Email or Call Dolores Wendland at 309-645-5119 to check if it’s available
  3. Arrange a Time with Dolores to exchange the books

Search Results:

2119 Items Matched.
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of 43

151.Buddhism Without Beliefs
Batchelor, Stephen
152.The Faith to Doubt
Batchelor, Stephen
153.Zen Without Zen Masters
Benares, Camden
154.An Introduction to the Buddha and His Teachings
Bercholz, Samuel, Ed & Sherab Chodzin Kohn
Bhamorabutr, Abha
156.Zen Meditation In plain English
Buksbazen, John Daishin
158.Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism
Causton, Richard
159.The Buddhist I Ching
Chich-hsu Ou-i
161.Open Heart, Clear Mind
Chodron, Thubten
164.Buddhist Texts Through the Ages
Conze, Edward, Ed
166.Awakening the Buddha Within
Das, Llama Surya
168.Opening the Eye of New Awareness
Dalai Lama (Tenzin Gyatso-14th Dalai Lama) Translated by Donald
169.The Way to Freedom
Dalai Lama of Tibet
171.Zen Buddhism in the 20th Centur
Dumoulin, Heinrich
172.Zen Enlightenment
Dumoulin, Heinrich
175.Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines
Evans-Wentz, WY Ed
177.This Very Moment
Ford, James Ishmael
178.The Tibetan Book of the Dead
Fremantle, Francesca & Chogyam Trungpa
179.The Yoga-Darshana
Ganganatha, Jha
180.Eastern Religions In the Electric Age
Garabedian & Orde Coombs
181.The Way of the White Clouds
Govinda, Lama Anagarika
183.Old Path White Clouds
Hanh, Thich Nhat
184.The Heart of Understanding
Hanh, Thich Nhat
186.In the Art of Archery
Herrigel, Eugen Zen
187.Exploring Buddhism
Humphrey, Christmas
188.The Three Pillars of Zen
Kapleau, Roshi P
189.Buddhism and Christianity
King, Winston L
193.Tibetan Sound Healing
Rinpoche, Tenzin Wangyal
194.The Whole World is a Single Flower
Sahn, Zen Master Seung
195.Esoteric Buddhism
Sinnett, AP
197.Manual of Zen Buddhism
Suzuki, D T
200.Tao Te Ching
Tze, Lao
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of 43