Make a Donation or Pledge
Our church provides so much: spiritual nourishment, a caring community, religious education programs for our children, wonderful music, fun special events, and more. Members and friends can give back to the church—and support new and expanded programs—through donations and pledges.
Online Donation or Pledge Options:
Why Pledge?
Each spring, members and friends are asked to estimate the amount of their financial contribution for the upcoming year. This helps us plan a balanced budget.
Without generous financial support, the church could not provide all the programs and services that we value. Your contribution helps ensure that Unitarian Universalism continues to be a strong presence in our community.
Making and fulfilling a pledge can also be personally rewarding for you. It feels good to support a cause you believe in.
How Much Should I Pledge?
Pledges are confidential and are up to the individual. There is no set expectation, but we are challenged to give generously within our individual means.
Together our pledges make up a major portion of the income of the church. In that sense, we determine our own financial status by our giving.
How Will My Pledge Be Used?
Income from pledges is used to fund:
Worship services, religious education, community outreach, and other programs.
Salaries and benefits for our ministers, religious education director, and other staff members.
Operational expenses
Utilities, maintenance, office supplies, and other overhead.
Denominational support
Contributions to the Unitarian Universalist Association and the Mid-America Region.
Money set aside for future major expenses.