Summer Services
Summer Services Details
Sundays take on a slightly different, more informal, character during the summer months.
- We meet at 10:30 each Sunday morning
- Coffee Hour is observed in Fellowship Hall
- A wide variety of topics are presented and services are lay-led by members and guest speakers.
- You’ll find familiar elements such as a greeting, announcements, readings, sharing of joys and sorrows, and an offering.
- Music varies throughout the summer. Our accompanist plays the piano and organ for most services. The choir is off for the summer.
- Childcare is always provided in our nursery for those who wish to use it. Please sign in and introduce your child to the childcare attendant.
- Kids are encouraged to start worship with their families and will be sung out of the sanctuary after Joys and Concerns to participate in all-ages Summer Adventures!
- Find out more on THIS PAGE about programs for children and youth.