Our Sunday School Program
Whether you call it Sunday school, church school, children’s religious education, or RE, it’s what’s happening on Sunday mornings!

Classes for preschool through junior high are held at the same time as our Sunday services (from early September through early June).
Here’s how it works:
- The children accompany their families into the sanctuary for the first part of the worship service, which begins at 10:30 a.m.
- Partway through the service, the kids are invited forward to hear the “Story for All Ages.”
- After the story, the Sunday school teachers escort the youngsters to the Children’s Chapel for a brief children’s worship.
- The children then go to their respective Sunday school classrooms for age-appropriate activities. Classes conclude at 11:45 a.m.
On some Sundays, instead of going to their classes, the children remain in the sanctuary for an multigenerational service.
What Do We Teach Our Children?
The goals of our religious education program are to:
- Provide unique experiences to help our children view the world in its broadest sense.
- Introduce and investigate our Unitarian Universalist heritage and principles.
- Explore the religions of the world.
- Nurture a sense of wonder in our children.
- Stress and model the goal of ethical living.
- Inspire the search for truth in every young mind.
- Provide a safe haven for our children in which to share, question, and feel good about themselves.