Sunday, May 3, 2020 @ 10:30 am

Speaker(s): Reverend Jennifer Innis


20th century Unitarian Universalist theologian James Luther Adams reminds us that we are “a pilgrim church, a servant church, on an adventure of the spirit.” We are bound to each other in care and in the continuous search for new truth. As this church enters the next chapter in its long history, how shall we prepare for new possibility and a new day?

Reverend Jennifer is the candidate to be the next settled minister at the Universalist Unitarian Church of Peoria. After worship this Sunday, she will be available on Zoom for final questions and remarks before the congregational meeting begins. (Link Shared Privately over flocknote)

The Service will be followed by a Zoom Congregational Meeting to Vote on Candidate Reverend Jennifer Innis.  Directions on the various ways for Members to attend have already been sent to congregants, and cannot be posted online for security reasons.  If you have issues, please call the church Office.  (Link Shared Privately over flocknote)

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