Worship and Music
We have worship services every Sunday morning at 10:30 in the sanctuary. Our Sunday worship services are a central part of church life.
Upon returning to in-person gathering, our updated audio/visual capacity will make our services available in-person and virtually at the same time.
Elements of the Service
On a typical Sunday, the service is very similar to that in most Protestant churches. Announcements are given, inspirational words are read, hymns are sung, and a voluntary offering is taken. Members of the congregation have an opportunity to share joys and sorrows.
Most services include a sermon delivered by our minister. The topic is chosen by the minister and might relate to spiritual values, social justice, holidays, current events, or other relevant themes. Our minister and occasional guest speakers present ideas that are inspiring, thought-provoking, and challenge us to grow in our understanding of others.
We also hold services each week during the summer. Some summer services are lay-led. They can take any shape their organizers wish, but usually include familiar elements such as readings, music, and sharing. A guest speaker or church member might give a talk, or a group might offer a creative presentation. Once a month, the summer service is led by our minister.

Children’s Participation
During most of the year, we offer children a combination of worship service participation and Sunday school classes. Children are welcome to attend the first part of the worship service in the sanctuary with their families. Partway through the service, our director of religious education, Jesi Laughlin, usually invites the children to come forward and listen to a “Story for All Ages.” The adults often enjoy the story as much as the kids do! After the story, the children go to their classes with their teachers.
Sometimes the pattern is a little different:
- Occasionally worship services are designed to be multigenerational, so children remain in the sanctuary for the entire service
- In the summer there are no Sunday school classes. Child care is available for ages 12 and under, or children may attend the service with their families.

Parents of infants and toddlers are encouraged to take advantage of our nursery, where a qualified child care attendant is on duty.
Music is an essential part of our worship services. Our restored 1919 Hinners pipe organ provides a fitting backdrop for our hymns.
On many Sundays we’re treated to an anthem by our exceptional choir. Whether the selection is a sacred chorale, a spiritual, or a contemporary piece, the choir’s talents are always received with enthusiasm.
On other Sundays, special music is provided by members of the congregation or guest artists. You might hear an instrumental soloist playing a classical piece or vocal ensemble singing contemporary music.
Once a year the choir takes center stage for Music Sunday. Another annual tradition is Jazz Sunday, featuring local guest musicians.

Special Accommodations
To help everyone feel comfortable and participate fully in our worship services, we offer:
- “Busy bags” for children
- A nursery for infants and toddlers
- Audio and video of the service are available in the foyer
- A scent-free seating area
- Assistive listening devices
- Large print and Braille hymn books
Please ask one of the ushers if you need assistance.

Fellowship After the Service
The worship service is followed by a social hour in Fellowship Hall. You’re invited to join us for coffee, tea, and conversation.
Special Services
In addition to our regular Sunday morning services, we occasionally hold special services at other times. For example, we often mark the turning of the seasons with informal Solstice and Equinox services.

Candlelight Service
Our Christmas Eve candlelight service is a cherished tradition. It features familiar Christmas stories, carols, and scripture, along with a special message from our minister. Family members, guests, and first-time visitors are welcome.