UU Peoria Web Lending Library

This is a Searchable Database of the Books that the UU Library has to lend.

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Search Results:

62 Items Matched.
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1.7 Kinds of Smart
Armstrong, Thomas
2.A Vision of the Future
Adler, Mortimer J
3.Adventures in Genius
Durant, Will
5.An Outline of Philosophy
Russell, Bertrand
Ross, WD
8.Cultural Literacy
Hirsch, ED Jr
9.Equations of Eternity
Darling, David
Solomon, Robert C Ed
14.Great Companions
Leavens, Robert F
15.Huxley and God
Huxley, Aldous
16.I Dare You!
Danforth, William H
17.Interpretations of Life
Durant, Ariel and Will
19.Introduction to Philosophy
Stroll, Avrum & Popkin
20.Knowledge and Belief
Griffiths, A Phillips, Ed
21.Moral MInds
Hauser, Marc D
22.Nicomachean Ethics
25.On the Meaning of Life
Durant, Will
26.Pulling Your Own Strings
Dyer, Dr Wayne
27.Social Contact
Barker, Ernest, Intro
28.Socrates to Sartre
Stumpf, Samuel
29.Ten Philosophical Mistakes
Adler, Mortimer J
30.The Age of Reason
Paine, Thomas
32.The Bell Curve
Herrnstein, Richard J and Charles Murray
33.The Courage To Be
Tillich, Paul
37.The Illusion of Immortality
Lamont, Corliss
38.The Moral Animal
Wright, Robert
40.The Pendle Hill Reader
Maurer, Herrymon, Ed
41.The Philosophy of Civilization
Schweitzer, Albert
44.The Philosophy of Nietzsche
Nietzsche Friedrich,
45.The Positive Thinkers
Meyer, Donald
46.The Practice of Philosophy
Rosenberg, Jay F
47.The Republic
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