IT IS TIME FOR THE UU AUCTION! Saturday, March 22nd @ 5:30 in Fellowship Hall Listed below are all the ways to be involved! 1. The Online Auction is now live! Use the button below to check out all the online items and start bidding! This will run until the end...
Haunted Forest Saturday, October 19th 7-8:30 PM Great Grove & Fellowship Hall Haunted Woods, Tricks & Treats, Campfire, Samhain Ritual, Witches Dance, & Tarot Readings too! Dare to enter the trail through the haunted forest where ghouls and goblins...
Come check out our annual rummage sale this year on July 26-27! This sale is huge! Why spend time going from garage sale to garage sale in the summer heat when you can be here with everything under one air-conditioned roof! Friday 8am-5pm and Saturday 8am-3pm....
ALL AGES Saturday, December 23rd @ 6:00 PM Spend a moment in the darkness with Keepers of the Great Grove and help call back the light. We’ll start with an indoor ritual and weather permitting will have a yule fire outdoors and Luminary walk on the property. Warm...
PREPARING FOR LUGHNASADH RITUAL Tuesday, July 18, 5:30 PM, Sanctuary All those with speaking roles in the Sunday, July 30, Lughnasadh service will gather to run through the script and block the service. MAKING MUFFINS FOR LUGHNASADH Saturday, July 29, Noon, Kitchen...
NEW DATE – MAY 5TH @ 7:00 PM Trans Day of Visibility Celebration Trans Day of Visibility is dedicated to celebrating the accomplishments of transgender and gender nonconforming people while raising awareness of the work that still needs to be done to achieve...
Ostara Ritual Sunday, March 19th @ 5:00 pm Ostara is celebrated on the spring equinox and is a time to celebrate rebirth and renewal. Hosted by the Universalist Unitarian Church of Peoria in collaboration with Susan Smith and The Cauldron of Knowledge. Join us for a...
Imbolc Ritual Sunday Feb 19th @ 4:00 pm Fellowship Hall This cross-quarter holiday takes place at the midway point between the winter solstice (Yule) and the spring equinox (Ostara). It has long been recognized as the beginning of the end of winter, marked by the...
Saturday December 3rd, 3:00 – 5:00 PM Join us for our annual ornament crafting and decorating party. All ages are welcome to lend a hand to make this year’s tree the most festive yet! You will be guided through stations to work on new ornaments and old favorites...
Sunday, Nov 20 at 6:00 PM Join Peoria Proud at our Universalist Unitarian Church of Peoria for our annual observance of the Transgender Day of Remembrance. Transgender Day of Remembrance is an internationally-honored event that honors the lives of transgender...
November 19th & 20th, 2022 Saturday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM Sunday 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM Join us for our book sale! Members shop before the 10:30 AM service on Sunday, November 20th. Bags are just $5.00 each on...
Saturday October 29 7:00-8:30 pm Dare to enter the trail through the haunted forest where ghouls and goblins eagerly await your visit! Our haunted forest is specifically designed to be just the right amount of fright. Scary enough for brave kids and adults of all...
STREAM THE CONCERT ON ZOOM Sunday, September 11, 2022 at 7:00 pm Universalist Unitarian Church of Peoria Through their innovative blending of classical and traditional forms, Larksgrove brings a fresh voice to the musical scene. Peter Zay, cello and guitar, and...
BE A PART OF THE BEAUTY OF US! MAKE A DONATION TODAY Silver linings can be found in the darkest of storm clouds. One of the most beautiful silverlinings of the past few years has been that more and more people have turned to the arts.We are finding renewed joy...
Effective June 7, the church building is open to the congregation for the first time in 14 months! The plan was presented at the May 26 meeting of the board by further discussion with Towards Live Church (TLC) and the Admin Team to reach a final decision by email vote...
You are welcome to join ongoing weekly sessions of A Course in Miracles, a self-study spiritual program based on universal spiritual themes, primarily including forgiveness as the path to love in order to focus on living more peacefully in this world. To RSVP, contact Suzette Boulais at
Life Force Tai Chi
First & Third Sundays through December 2024
Tai Chi is an ancient discipline from China. Join Dave Grebner for this class, where we will learn how to stand and move to enhance the flow of chi life energy through our bodies.
Church Financial Update Town Hall Sunday, March 2 after service Please join us after service on March 2 for a discussion about our church’s financial situation before the Annual Campaign. Want to know where the church’s money comes from and where it goes? Have questions about our process in forming a budget, raising pledges, and voting for our budget at our Annual Congregational Meeting? We invite you to this opportunity to engage with an important piece of our church’s operation.
Virtual only: ARE Humanist Discussion Group via Zoom #2
Virtual only: ARE Humanist Discussion Group via Zoom #2
March 4, 20257:00 pm - 9:00 pm Zoom at
Join us on Zoom at we invite guest presenters and talk about videos of current events, religion, and politics. We aspire to use empathy, humility, curiosity, critical thinking, and compassionate communications to discuss new insights, controversy, disinformation, irrationality, and magical thinking.
Wednesdays, Feb 12 - March 19
7:00pm-8:30 pm CT on Zoom
Deadline to register February 10
The Faith Forward program out of the First Unitarian Church of Dallas is excited to offer an online session of "Biblical Literacy for Unitarian Universalists" for all congregations. We will offer this 11-week course in two parts, one in the winter and one in the fall. Part I includes the sessions "Approaching the Bible - Many Books, Many Sources," "God and Covenant," "Jesus in the Gospels," "Kingdom of God Parables," "Creation Stories,” and “The Bible and Our Lives.” This is a unique opportunity to explore the Bible through a Unitarian Universalist lens.
For more information or to register, email Faith Forward Coordinator Rev. Lora Brandis at Deadline to register is Monday, February 10.
March 6, 202510:00 am - 12:00 pm Cafe Santa Rosa, 1327 E Kelly Ave, Peoria Heights, IL 61616, USA
Mugs & Musings ~ Thursdays at 10am In March, we will meet at Café Santa Rosa ~ 1327 E Kelly Ave, Peoria Heights. Drop in and join Membership Coordinator Regina Stanley to discuss whatever is on your mind. Questions? Contact Regina at 309-648-2767 or
You are welcome to join ongoing weekly sessions of A Course in Miracles, a self-study spiritual program based on universal spiritual themes, primarily including forgiveness as the path to love in order to focus on living more peacefully in this world. To RSVP, contact Suzette Boulais at
Girl Scout Sunday Sunday, March 9 Cookies on sale during coffee hour Girl Scout Sunday takes place every year on the Sunday before March 12, the day the Girl Scouts was founded. On this day, we celebrate the link between Girl Scouts and our faith. All Girl Scouts from our congregation are invited to participate in reading and serving. Contact Jesi Laughlin at to participate. Of course, there will be Girl Scout Cookies for sale during coffee hour!
March 9, 202512:30 pm - 2:00 pm UUCP Patio & Fellowship Hall
Home Composting 101: An All-Ages Hands-On Workshop Sunday, March 9, 12:30-2pm, Patio & Fellowship Hall Come learn how to start composting at home! This workshop will teach you how to set up a compost area to turn your kitchen and garden waste into healthy soil. Composting keeps valuable resources out of landfills, where they contribute to greenhouse gases. Instead, they can be used in home gardens and farms to build and maintain healthy soil, reducing the need for climate-damaging chemical fertilizers that find their way into streams and rivers. The workshop will cover different composting methods, from a simple on-the-ground compost area to a rotating drum device. It will include what material to compost and what to avoid. This workshop is for everyone, including families (children and adults) and both beginners and experienced gardeners. We will be starting a composting area on the grounds of the church, and participants will assist in setting this up and starting the composting process on the site. Questions? Email Jesi Laughlin at
Do you play Mah Jongg or do you want to learn? Join the fun on 2nd and 4th Sundays! Bring your own drink and snack, and if you have a Mah Jongg set or mat, bring it, too. Contact Char Rickey at or 309-472-7085 or Evan Stubbs at or 575-621-5519 with questions.
Sacred Rest In person Sun., Feb. 9, 4pm Zoom Sun., Feb. 23, 4pm You were not just born to center your entire existence on work and labor. You were born to heal, to grow, to be of service to yourself and community, to practice, to experiment, to create, to have space, to dream, and to connect. ~ Tricia Hersey in Rest Is Resistance You deserve time to rest. Come and practice in community. In-person Sacred Rest on Feb. 9 will be in the Senior High Youth Room. Bring water, a journal, and/or blanket if you wish. On fourth Sundays (next on Feb. 23), the Central IL Religious Educators will facilitate a guided rest experience on Zoom for our four congregations in Bloomington-Normal, Champaign-Urbana, Peoria, and Springfield. Create a comfortable nest with a blanket or pillow, grab some water, and bring a journal if you wish. We’ll draw from the work of Tricia Hersey. To receive the link, email Jesi at or sign up here
Virtual only: ARE Humanist Discussion Group via Zoom #2
Virtual only: ARE Humanist Discussion Group via Zoom #2
March 11, 20257:00 pm - 9:00 pm Zoom at
Join us on Zoom at we invite guest presenters and talk about videos of current events, religion, and politics. We aspire to use empathy, humility, curiosity, critical thinking, and compassionate communications to discuss new insights, controversy, disinformation, irrationality, and magical thinking.
March 12, 20257:00 pm - 8:00 pm Re Meeting Room or Zoom
Amethyst Circle: An Addiction Recovery Group Following UU Values Wednesday, Feb. 12, 7-8pm, RE Meeting Room or Zoom at Gather with others to offer and receive support on your addiction journey. This group is facilitated by Tony Huerta and is open to all.
Wednesdays, Feb 12 - March 19
7:00pm-8:30 pm CT on Zoom
Deadline to register February 10
The Faith Forward program out of the First Unitarian Church of Dallas is excited to offer an online session of "Biblical Literacy for Unitarian Universalists" for all congregations. We will offer this 11-week course in two parts, one in the winter and one in the fall. Part I includes the sessions "Approaching the Bible - Many Books, Many Sources," "God and Covenant," "Jesus in the Gospels," "Kingdom of God Parables," "Creation Stories,” and “The Bible and Our Lives.” This is a unique opportunity to explore the Bible through a Unitarian Universalist lens.
For more information or to register, email Faith Forward Coordinator Rev. Lora Brandis at Deadline to register is Monday, February 10.
March 13, 202510:00 am - 12:00 pm Cafe Santa Rosa, 1327 E Kelly Ave, Peoria Heights, IL 61616, USA
Mugs & Musings ~ Thursdays at 10am In March, we will meet at Café Santa Rosa ~ 1327 E Kelly Ave, Peoria Heights. Drop in and join Membership Coordinator Regina Stanley to discuss whatever is on your mind. Questions? Contact Regina at 309-648-2767 or
Come learn about the nutritional and medicinal uses of herbs in community. We will explore the history of Peoria through its cuisine: the Native, French, German, Lebanese, and more. We will occasionally prepare a dish to share after service on Sunday. For more information, contact Kevin Cashmer at
Ostara Saturday, March 15, 6pm gathering, 7pm Ritual Potluck & bountiful salad bar to follow Fellowship Hall Ostara: where flowers bloom. Springtime is upon us! The holiday of Ostara is a time of awakenings and new beginnings. Bring a stem of flowers if you like, and salad bar ingredients and toppings are welcome additions to the potluck. Presented by Keepers of the Great Grove CUUPs Chapter. All are welcome.
You are welcome to join ongoing weekly sessions of A Course in Miracles, a self-study spiritual program based on universal spiritual themes, primarily including forgiveness as the path to love in order to focus on living more peacefully in this world. To RSVP, contact Suzette Boulais at
Life Force Tai Chi
First & Third Sundays through December 2024
Tai Chi is an ancient discipline from China. Join Dave Grebner for this class, where we will learn how to stand and move to enhance the flow of chi life energy through our bodies.
We will not meet in March. Do you identify as LGBTQIA2S+? Do you attend, visit, or belong to UUCP? Join us on the 3rd Monday each month. Questions? Email Tim Herold at for details.
Virtual only: ARE Humanist Discussion Group via Zoom #2
Virtual only: ARE Humanist Discussion Group via Zoom #2
March 18, 20257:00 pm - 9:00 pm Zoom at
Join us on Zoom at we invite guest presenters and talk about videos of current events, religion, and politics. We aspire to use empathy, humility, curiosity, critical thinking, and compassionate communications to discuss new insights, controversy, disinformation, irrationality, and magical thinking.
Wednesdays, Feb 12 - March 19
7:00pm-8:30 pm CT on Zoom
Deadline to register February 10
The Faith Forward program out of the First Unitarian Church of Dallas is excited to offer an online session of "Biblical Literacy for Unitarian Universalists" for all congregations. We will offer this 11-week course in two parts, one in the winter and one in the fall. Part I includes the sessions "Approaching the Bible - Many Books, Many Sources," "God and Covenant," "Jesus in the Gospels," "Kingdom of God Parables," "Creation Stories,” and “The Bible and Our Lives.” This is a unique opportunity to explore the Bible through a Unitarian Universalist lens.
For more information or to register, email Faith Forward Coordinator Rev. Lora Brandis at Deadline to register is Monday, February 10.
March 20, 202510:00 am - 12:00 pm Cafe Santa Rosa, 1327 E Kelly Ave, Peoria Heights, IL 61616, USA
Mugs & Musings ~ Thursdays at 10am In March, we will meet at Café Santa Rosa ~ 1327 E Kelly Ave, Peoria Heights. Drop in and join Membership Coordinator Regina Stanley to discuss whatever is on your mind. Questions? Contact Regina at 309-648-2767 or
Third Thursday Ladies’ Lunch Thursday, March 20, 11:30am Hong Kong Buffet ~ 7708 N University, Peoria Join us for an all-you-can-eat buffet, featuring Chinese and Japanese cuisine, including sushi. Please RSVP to Carlette at 309-258-5890.
March 22, 202510:00 am - 12:00 pm Conference Room & Zoom at
Date with Death Club Sat., Mar. 22, 10am-Noon Conference Room & Zoom at Do you hope to face our human mortality with less fear and more curiosity? With less conformity and more creativity? If that sounds like you, welcome to Date with Death Club, where we explore topics of aging, death, and dying. Attend one, some, or all sessions. This month’s topic is “Owning Your Dying.” In this session, we’ll talk about ways to face our own death with intention, exploring the process of holding deathbed vigils as well as home funerals. We’ll talk about the role of end-of-life support people and other community supports for reclaiming this aspect of our lives.
The UU Auction—A Time to Explore Saturday, March 22, 5:30pm We need you to make the UU Auction a success! To get involved... 1. Complete a Donation Form ~ Printed: See the sign-up table in the church foyer. ~ Electronic: Check your email for the Feb. 10 Flocknote from the church. Return completed forms to Karen Zichterman, to Jean Sloan, or to the church office (in person or to by March 16. 2. Encourage Your Friends to Donate Everyone has something to offer! Help your friends and acquaintances recognize that their talents and knowledge are valuable to others. 3. Bid on the Online Auction These items will be different from those offered in person. More details coming soon. 4. Attend the Auction in Person on March 22 ~ Bring your favorite potluck dish. ~ Have fun meeting new people. ~ Explore the silent auction items and make offers on your favorites. ~ Enjoy interacting with a fun-loving auctioneer and bidding on live auction items. Questions? Contact Karen Zichterman at 309-678-6417.
You are welcome to join ongoing weekly sessions of A Course in Miracles, a self-study spiritual program based on universal spiritual themes, primarily including forgiveness as the path to love in order to focus on living more peacefully in this world. To RSVP, contact Suzette Boulais at
Do you play Mah Jongg or do you want to learn? Join the fun on 2nd and 4th Sundays! Bring your own drink and snack, and if you have a Mah Jongg set or mat, bring it, too. Contact Char Rickey at or 309-472-7085 or Evan Stubbs at or 575-621-5519 with questions.
Sacred Rest In person Sun., Feb. 9, 4pm Zoom Sun., Feb. 23, 4pm You were not just born to center your entire existence on work and labor. You were born to heal, to grow, to be of service to yourself and community, to practice, to experiment, to create, to have space, to dream, and to connect. ~ Tricia Hersey in Rest Is Resistance You deserve time to rest. Come and practice in community. In-person Sacred Rest on Feb. 9 will be in the Senior High Youth Room. Bring water, a journal, and/or blanket if you wish. On fourth Sundays (next on Feb. 23), the Central IL Religious Educators will facilitate a guided rest experience on Zoom for our four congregations in Bloomington-Normal, Champaign-Urbana, Peoria, and Springfield. Create a comfortable nest with a blanket or pillow, grab some water, and bring a journal if you wish. We’ll draw from the work of Tricia Hersey. To receive the link, email Jesi at or sign up here
March 25, 202510:00 am - 12:00 pm The Great Grove at UUCP
Accessible Nature Exploration Tuesday, March 25, 10am, Great Grove For Teens & Adults Dress for the weather to explore the Great Grove with Master Naturalist Jen McDaniel. We will keep an easy pace and never leave anyone behind, leaving lots of time for observation and photo ops. Afterwards, Peggy West will host a small art project indoors. This event is free and open to ACORN members and the UU Church community. RSVP at the FB event link or email
Virtual only: ARE Humanist Discussion Group via Zoom #2
Virtual only: ARE Humanist Discussion Group via Zoom #2
March 25, 20257:00 pm - 9:00 pm Zoom at
Join us on Zoom at we invite guest presenters and talk about videos of current events, religion, and politics. We aspire to use empathy, humility, curiosity, critical thinking, and compassionate communications to discuss new insights, controversy, disinformation, irrationality, and magical thinking.
March 27, 202510:00 am - 12:00 pm Cafe Santa Rosa, 1327 E Kelly Ave, Peoria Heights, IL 61616, USA
Mugs & Musings ~ Thursdays at 10am In March, we will meet at Café Santa Rosa ~ 1327 E Kelly Ave, Peoria Heights. Drop in and join Membership Coordinator Regina Stanley to discuss whatever is on your mind. Questions? Contact Regina at 309-648-2767 or
Bring your own lunch and join in conversation with others. This lunchtime community is open to anyone who wants to come! Questions? Contact the church office at
Come learn about the nutritional and medicinal uses of herbs in community. We will explore the history of Peoria through its cuisine: the Native, French, German, Lebanese, and more. We will occasionally prepare a dish to share after service on Sunday. For more information, contact Kevin Cashmer at
Flower Bed Clean-up Day Saturday, March 29, 9am-Noon Come out and help the church get our beds ready for the new spring growth that’s on its way. We’ll be cutting down and raking out the old plant matter. Bring gloves and a hat!
Relationship Building for the Resistance Saturday, March 29, 12:30-2:30pm Liberated relationships are one of the ways we actually create abundant justice… ~ adrienne maree brown, Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good Let’s lean into the work of adrienne maree brown for the next installment of our discussion about how we resist in these challenging times. Her books, including Pleasure Activism, Emergent Strategy, and Loving Corrections, will help guide our discussion about the importance of relationship building. We will discuss the ways we are successfully building relationships, dream about ways we might do better, and strengthen our connections to one another. A light potluck lunch of soup and bread will be offered, and childcare will be provided.
You are welcome to join ongoing weekly sessions of A Course in Miracles, a self-study spiritual program based on universal spiritual themes, primarily including forgiveness as the path to love in order to focus on living more peacefully in this world. To RSVP, contact Suzette Boulais at